The Light at the End of the Tunnel...

A one act play

by Mike Hasshill

Published by High View, ISBN 978-0-948802-51-5, A5, 26pp, softback, staple bound.

"The light at the end of the tunnel - is probably that of an oncoming train" is a prizewinning one-act playscript written by Mike Hasshill and first performed by Liskeard Young Farmers Club at the Six Counties Festival in 1989.

The scene is set around the headmaster's office of a typical primary school before morning assembly. With a cast of ten, the characters are typically those that set every school's administrative wheels churning - headmaster, secretary, caretaker, teachers (and union rep.), and parents. Scenery and sound effects are not onerous.

Mike Hasshill writes "The play should proceed from the initial good humoured andante to a breakneck pace...hastening towards improvised hubbub at the close." As a teacher, headmaster, actor and dramatist of many year's experience Mike adds that "This play is not fiction".

Copies are available by mail order from High View, or to order from any bookseller. Price £2.50 for single copies, £2 for ten or more. Carriage £1 per order.

Royalty arrangements are modest, and will involve a donation to a Cornish charity to be agreed with Mr Hasshill. Please contact High View by e-mail ( in the first instance.

Mike Hasshill has also written a number of plays in two acts, suitable for professional or competent amateur production, details here.

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