Some jobs require great colour accuracy, and for others a pleasant appearance is the main aim. Colour fidelity can be only be achieved at considerable cost of time and trouble. At High View we aim to provide reasonable colours at modest cost. Our quotations are based on the expectations of the customer, and it is only fair that these are expressed beforehand. Where, for example, a corporate colour has to be accurately matched then an additional fee will need to be agreed. The job may have to be printed by a different process from that normally used. Four colour printing may not provide an equivalent to spot colour work
An artist has every right to expect that the colours from his palette are not tinted, diluted or altered. It is not possible to represent oil paint on plain paper, or watercolours on litho: with time and trouble an acceptable match is possible. Both parties need to know, beforehand, how much effort is to be spent on this. There are numerous practical difficulties that may be insurmountable.
For some jobs (giclee prints, for example) proofs can be made, one at a time, prior to a production run. The cost of a proof for a litho print run of a coloured brochure is almost as great as that of the finished batch.
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