High View - Quotation Terms

Our prices allow five days for layout, and then five days for printing and finishing simple single colour jobs. Colour printing, laminating and more complex finishing will require longer.

Proofs may be collected, or we will deliver by e-mail (if quality is suitable), or post (please allow posting time extra). Your time for proofing, and any re-working to be added. Our experience shows that work can stay in a client's hands for a considerable time.

Author's corrections may be chargeable.

Further proofing iterations are chargeable (unless due to our error).

Once proofs are signed-off the responsibility for any error (author's, or ours) not notified to us lies with the signatory - this includes the cost of corrections and of re-printing.

For faster work add 20% to the total bill per day saved: we may not always be able to meet requests for rapid turnaround. Please confirm with us beforehand.

Day 1 is first day after order is placed. Day 5 is 5pm on fifth day after day 1. Days are working days (not public holidays or week-ends.)

We may choose to work in the evenings or over week-ends but we do not answer the telephone or respond to messages or e-mails out of hours. Our previous fax number is now out of service. We do have fax facilities - please phone first to arrange for fax reception, if required. All prices are for work to be collected. We will deliver if we are passing-by your address, or at the cost charged by our carriers (ANC - allow £10 for most orders), or your chosen mthod.

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